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Morpheus8 rf microneedling at Rejuvenate MD

Morpheus8 is a sub-dermal adipose remodeling device (SARD) that uses both micro-needling and radiofrequency technology for fractional resurfacing and contouring of your face.  It is minimally invasive as the miniature needles penetrate deep within the skin layers and fat tissues to stimulate collagen production. Likewise, it tightens your facial muscles, making your skin smooth, firm, and more youthful.

How does Morpheus8 work?

Morpheus8 device functions as a micro-needling tool, pricking the skin with radiofrequency waves triggering collagen and elastin production. It further tightens the skins and contracts the connective tissues, restoring a youthful look.  Before the procedure, a numbing cream is applied to the targeted area(s). The Morpheus8 device is pressed on the targeted area, allowing the micro-needles to perforate within the skin. The micro-needs emit radiofrequency waves that penetrate deep into the dermal layers, tightening the skin.

treatment areas with Morpheus8 RF Microneedling

Morpheus8 is a versatile cosmetic treatment known for its effectiveness in treating various areas of the body. The treatment areas for Morpheus8 include:


Morpheus8 can be used to address facial concerns, such as sagging skin, lines, wrinkles, and creases on the lower face and neck.


It is effective in treating sagging skin on the neck, helping to improve its appearance.


Morpheus8 can be utilized on the chest area to address specific concerns related to skin texture and tightness.

Arms, Legs, and Abdomen:

Morpheus8 is not limited to the face and neck; it can also be applied to various parts of the body. It helps tighten loose or lax skin on areas like the arms, legs, and abdomen.


Morpheus8 is also suitable for enhancing the appearance of the buttocks.

Other Areas:

It can be employed to treat "bra rolls" and sun-damaged skin, providing comprehensive skin rejuvenation.

The top benefits of Morpheus8 Include:

Improved Skin Texture:

Morpheus8 excels at enhancing skin texture. It helps make the skin smoother, reducing the appearance of roughness and irregularities.

Firming Sagging Skin:

It is effective in firming mildly sagging skin, particularly in areas like the face and neck. This can result in a more youthful and lifted appearance.

Wrinkle Reduction:

Morpheus8 can help smooth wrinkles, making them less noticeable. This can contribute to a more youthful and refreshed look.

Acne Scar Improvement:

The treatment is also beneficial for individuals with acne scars. Morpheus8 can reduce the appearance of acne scars and marks, leading to improved skin complexion.

Collagen Production:

Morpheus8 stimulates collagen and elastin production in the skin. These proteins are essential for maintaining skin elasticity and youthfulness.

Minimizing Signs of Aging:

It is effective at minimizing various signs of aging, making it a versatile option for individuals looking to rejuvenate their skin.

Safe for Different Skin Types:

Morpheus8 treatments are suitable for people of all skin types and tones.

Long-Lasting Results:

While the effects of Morpheus8 are not permanent, they typically last for about a year. The duration can vary depending on individual factors and lifestyle choices.

Minimal Downtime:

Morpheus8 treatments generally have minimal downtime. After the procedure, some temporary redness and mild discomfort may occur, but these typically resolve quickly.

Alternative to Invasive Procedures:

Morpheus8 provides a non-invasive alternative to surgical procedures and can be an excellent choice for those who prefer to avoid surgical interventions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Results can start to become noticeable as early as two to three days after the treatment. However, these results continue to improve over the following weeks as your body responds by increasing collagen production. The full benefits of the treatment become more apparent with time.

The number of sessions required varies depending on individual needs, age, skin type, and desired outcomes. However, most patients undergo between 3 to 4 sessions. Maintenance treatments may be recommended to sustain results.

Each Morpheus8 session usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete. Before the treatment, a topical numbing cream is applied, and you may notice immediate improvement. However, it generally takes about four weeks to see the full, long-term benefits. Downtime is minimal.

Morpheus8 is suitable for individuals of all skin types looking to address visible signs of aging. Pregnant or nursing individuals and those with active skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis should avoid Morpheus8 treatments. Side effects are minimal and may include mild redness and swelling, typically resolving within a few days. Consult with Dr. Tam at RejuvenateMD to have all your questions or concerns answered.