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Hair Restoration

Why the Alma TED for Hair Restoration?


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Hair loss can result from various factors, including hereditary conditions, hormonal changes, and medical conditions. One of the primary causes is heredity, with genetics playing a significant role in determining whether an individual will experience hair loss as they age. Additionally, hormonal changes and medical conditions can contribute to hair loss, leading to permanent or temporary thinning or shedding of hair. Scalp fungal infections, as well as certain hairstyles that exert excessive tension on the hair, such as tight braids or ponytails, can also be factors in hair loss. Understanding these causes can help individuals address hair loss and explore appropriate treatments and prevention options based on their specific circumstances.

benefits of using the Alma TED at RejuvenateMD

The Alma TED is a revolutionary hair restoration solution designed to effectively address hair thinning and hair loss without invasive or painful methods. It offers several benefits for individuals seeking to improve the health and appearance of their hair:


Alma TED is completely non-invasive, making it a comfortable choice for those concerned about the pain associated with traditional hair restoration treatments.


The procedure is painless, further enhancing its appeal to individuals seeking hair restoration without discomfort.

Hair Care Formula:

Alma TED includes a specialized Hair Care Formula containing over 30 essential ingredients, including peptides and nutrients. This formula supports optimal hair and scalp health and follicular strength, resulting in thicker, fuller-looking hair with increased shine and strength.

Optimal Hair Health:

The treatment aims to improve the overall health and appearance of hair by addressing various aspects of hair loss, thinning, and scalp health.

popular conditions treated with the ted

Hair Care


Hormone Imbalance

Chemo hair loss

Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)

Androgenetic Alopecia

Alopecia areata

Childbirth, illness, or other stressors

Hair Styles that pull on skull

Scalp Infection

Who should consider the Alma TED Treatment?

The Alma TED treatment is suitable for individuals experiencing various hair-related concerns. Here are the key groups of people who should consider Alma TED treatment:

Thinning or Shedding Hair:

If you are experiencing thinning or shedding hair, Alma TED can be an option. This treatment aims to address issues related to hair loss and improve hair health. Male or Female Pattern Baldness: Alma TED is appropriate for individuals with male or female pattern baldness, which are common forms of hair loss characterized by specific patterns of thinning or balding.

Receding Hairline:

If you have a receding hairline, Alma TED treatment may help improve the appearance of your hairline.

Health-Related Hair Loss:

Some medical conditions or treatments can lead to hair loss. Alma TED can be considered as a potential solution for those experiencing health-related hair loss.

Stress-Induced Shedding:

Stress can contribute to hair shedding. Alma TED treatment may benefit those dealing with stress-induced hair shedding.


It's advisable to have a consultation with our healthcare professional offering Alma TED treatment to assess your specific hair condition and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. The Alma TED improves the hair health and appearance can often be noticed within a few months after treatment. It offers hope to individuals looking to address hair loss and related issues.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Alma TED creates microchannels to enhance the delivery of topical solutions, while PRP involves injecting concentrated blood components.

PRP contains growth factors and platelets for tissue repair, collagen production, and hair growth. Alma TED improves the absorption of regenerative treatments.

Alma TED, when used with the topical TED+ Hair Care Formula, promotes improved blood flow to the scalp, resulting in thicker, stronger hair.

Unlike some other in-office hair treatments, Alma TED offers these benefits without discomfort and shedding.