What contributes to hair loss?
Hair loss can be a natural part of the aging process, but it can also be influenced by various factors. While some hair loss is due to the hair’s natural growth cycle, it becomes noticeable when new hair doesn’t replace the ones that have fallen out. The most common cause of hair loss is heredity, often occurring with aging. Additionally, other reasons can include stress, pregnancy, certain medications, and underlying health conditions.
People seek hair loss treatments primarily due to the emotional and psychological impact associated with hair loss. Hair plays a significant role in one’s self-esteem, self-image, and overall appearance. Experiencing hair loss — whether it’s temporary or permanent — can be emotionally challenging, affecting confidence and social interactions. For many, hair is tied to identity, making its loss distressing. As hair loss can lead to significant thinning or even baldness, individuals often pursue treatments to restore hair growth, maintain their desired appearance, and protect their scalp from environmental factors like sun exposure. At RejuvenateMD we offer a non-invasive and minimally invasive approach to combat hair loss with great results: